
When to Let Go:  making the switch in your brain

I am letting go of the New York City marathon.  I have been fighting this decision for weeks.  But today, after deep thought and shedding some tears, I realize that I have to let it go. 

Qualifying for this race was one of my biggest triumphs.  I am a marathoner at heart.  Half marathons have never been my best number – I feel like at 13.1 I am just getting warmed up.  To qualify for the NYC marathon, you can meet either a full, or half distance qualifying time.  These times are even stricter than Boston, and have been lowered even further for 2013.  NYC was on my list, but not for years down the road.  Until the announcement was made in the fall of 2012 that the times were being drastically lowered for 2013.  My good friend and running partner had a qualifying time…I realized if I wanted to meet one as well I needed to find a race, and quick.  I only had until March or so before the qualifying period ended (with the exception of the Boston marathon and few other NYC races).  I was running Boston, but I wanted at least 2 chances to meet the NYC standard.  I found a small, local half set for mid-January.  With two weeks to train for it, my coach had his work cut out for him!

Fortunately for me, I was just coming off a great fall marathon PR, and was in good shape.  My biggest challenge was mentally preparing for the distance.  It would be a push – I could nail the speed in training, but racing was another story.  Long story short, we did a very abbreviated training schedule…lots of speedwork in a short amount of time and very quick taper.  The plan worked and I came in 90 sec. under the qualifying standard for the half. 

With great joy and enthusiasm I reported the news to my good friend.  We registered, and began happily planning our adventure.   I would take my youngest daughter…just a special trip for her and mom.  My friend’s husband and teenage daughters would watch my 9 year old during the race.  We booked similar flights, the same hotel, and planned on staying a few days after the race to sightsee.  We couldn’t wait to train together, especially on the long runs.

In June, I got injured. 

Three weeks prior to my 70.3 my heel began to hurt.  Plantar fasciitis.  I stopped speedwork, and luckily since I was so close to tapering, I was able to stay in shape and actually ended up having a fantastic race.  I waited until I thought my foot was better, then went running.  Big mistake.  My injury was aggravated.  I took many weeks off, but it never really got much better.  Icing, stretching, massage, rolling, ibuprofen, strengthening…all these things in various combinations have gotten me to about 90%, but that is where I am stuck.  My longest run has been 9 miles.  The swim and bike are fine, but you can’t swim and bike your way through a marathon.

This past week bib numbers and corrals were announced.  I downloaded my information, and felt the race excitement.  Maybe I can make it.  Maybe, magically, all the pain will disappear and I will regain all the strength of my healthy self.   There is magic in running, but recovery from injury is another matter altogether.  The magic happens from having patience, and willingness to let go when you realize that this time, you will be on the sidelines cheering instead of out there on the course.  The magic happens when you make the switch in your brain.  When you fully accept your limitations, the training plan then becomes about recovery first, rebuilding second. 

I am still taking my daughter to New York.  We will get our mother-daughter bonding time.  But it will be as cheerleaders for my friend.  And  like any faraway city you travel to, I’m going with the thought that I will be back someday.  I will run this race.  Just not this year.  And that’s okay.  There are other races to look forward to…other races where I will come back stronger than ever.  Yes, my heart is a little bit broken, but that will heal as well.  What isn’t broken is my spirit and determination.  It just has taken a different path for the time being, a different switch in my brain.

Be Healthy, Train Smart, Have Fun


The Road to 140.6

The Road to 140.6

I am a big fan of podcasts.  It all began years ago, when my favorite radio show went off the air.  The host started his own podcast, available on iTunes.  Interested in more content, I checked out some podcasts about running and triathlon.  Some we great, others less so, but all were interesting because they were hosted by real people, with real stories.  I love hearing other people’s stories about their training, racing, and journeys as endurance athletes.  Each one is so unique, and there is so much to learn from other people’s experiences. 

In hindsight, it was the content of those podcasts that planted the seeds of my triathlon career.  I have been a runner for years.  11 marathons and counting, 3 half-marathons, a handful of relays and many 5ks (including two first overall female finishes on a tough 5k course, something I will never forget and am very proud of).  After years of running in “never quite the right pair of shoes,” it was a podcast, not the running store or my own research, that finally turned me on to the right pair.  Side note here:  the running store kept putting me in different brands of stability shoes.  Turns out what I needed to do was to stop heel-striking.  The right shoe, running with better form, (something I continue to work on today), was key to becoming a much stronger runner.

 It was a podcast that got me on the spin bike, too.  The host, a runner and triathlete, suggested that runners try 10-15 minutes on the bike, before a run, to get the legs warmed up and ready.  I tried it, liked it, and it became my routine before many runs.  I’ll never forget another podcast host, who talked about the “euphoria” he got from swimming.  He made it sound so wonderful, I just had to try it for myself.  It turns out that swimming is one of those sports that takes practice before you get to the “euphoria” part, but after a few months of drills and working on form, one day I felt the “euphoria,” and I’ve been enjoying the swim ever since. 

One of the podcast hosts also suggested that runners try a Sprint triathlon.  Swimming and cycling are  fantastic for cross-training, so why not have some fun and try a Sprint?  This made sense to me, as someone who always ran a spring and a fall marathon.  Why not mix it up and add in a summer Sprint?

That’s exactly what I did.  It wasn’t all easy.  I fell off the bike a lot at first, and was very frustrated that I wasn’t immediately good at it.  I couldn’t figure out how to shift gears, I was chafing in unpleasant places and my rear end hurt.  A lot. But I loved swimming and running, and was not going to get the bike stop me.  It took some time, but I got the gears under control, found a good brand of ant-chafe cream, found the right saddle and comfortable bike shorts.  I’m glad I didn’t give up.  My first Sprint tri was a great success.  I went on to compete in an Olympic the next month, and a 70.3 the following summer. 

I just registered for a 140.6.

Other athletes, their stories, their lives and their dreams are hugely inspirational.  I’m glad I took the time to listen.  You never know what little tidbits will stick in your mind, and ultimately change your life!

Be Healthy, Train Smart, Have Fun.

Nutrition:  Small Changes, Big Payoff

Runners and triathletes, by nature, are generally healthy eaters.  The longer you train, the fitter you become, and the more food becomes incredibly important both for recovery and for fuel.  I’ve been a runner for a long time, a triathlete in training, and a serious triathlete for long enough now to know that food plays a crucial role in performance.  Like most athletes, I’ve planned meals well in advance of big workouts, logged what works and what doesn’t, and been careful when attending social gatherings to eat properly and fuel for the next day.  I’ve always considered myself a healthy eater; not only because it benefits performance but because I want to set a good example for my kids and raise them to make good nutritional choices.  We have occasional treats, in moderation.  No one is left feeling deprived. 
Recently, with a little nudging, I gave up dairy completely.  I drank the occasional chocolate milk after a workout, and ate yogurt and cheese almost every day.  After considering the downsides of dairy, I decided to give it up.  A funny thing happened.  It unleashed an entire diet makeover.  Gone were big bowls of white pasta with lots of cheese on top.  Replaced instead with corn or rice pasta, spaghetti squash, some lean protein and seasoning (note here:  garlic makes pretty much anything taste good!)  Gone were milk based recovery drinks…replaced with coconut or almond milk and low sugar protein powder.  Gone was my sugary coffee creamer…replaced with coconut milk.  Gone were meals based around the tradition protein, starch and vegetable model.  Replaced with yes, protein, but multiple vegetables and a wider variety of grains.  We never ate white bread anyway, and if I do have bread, which is rarely, it is Ezekiel 4:9 or Dave’s Killer bread.  Eggs on top of brown rice cakes are just as good. 
Do I miss anything?  Not at all.  And here is why.  I FEEL so much better.   My blood sugar seems more stable, and adding in more lean protein at lunch (canned salmon or canned tuna with a pop top is easy and convenient) has eliminated the need for the 3pm “coffee and carbohydrate” fix.  My energy level is definitely higher, and I am sleeping more soundly at night.  My workouts are more focused, partly due to the energy level increase, and partly due to a renewal of priorities.  Healthy food creates a circle of wellness that feeds on itself.  The better you feel, the better you want to continue to feel.

Another benefit…the entire family is eating better.  Just having more fruits and vegetables available gives the kids something to reach for other than processed snacks.  It didn’t happen overnight with them, but gradually they are making their own changes. 
I still have coffee in the morning and a glass of red wine in the evenings.  I believe these things are fine in moderation.  I have given up both, for months at a time and an interesting thing happened.  I started eating more to make up for the feeling of deprivation.  Giving up either one didn’t seem to have a significant effect on my training.  In fact, I perform better with a little caffiene.   Caffiene can boost the metabolism and red wine is said to have anti-aging benefits.  Again, moderation is key here.
Do I get a little grief here and there?  Of course.  There have been times when somebody didn’t like that I wouldn’t eat birthday cake.  They’ll say something like “come on, it’s a party.”  I’ve also gotten the occasional “is that what you are going to eat?”  I used to launch into long explanations of my training and racing schedule to try to explain to these folks why I was eating (or not eating) the way I was.  Over time I’ve learned not to bother.  People are going to think what they think.  The best response is a smile and a firm “No, thank you.”  No explanation necessary.  You work hard to be healthy.  Be consistent in both your nutrition and your training and you will see the benefits on a daily basis!
Be Healthy, Train Smart, Have Fun
-Coach Rebecca

Tri Motherhood Invades Estes Park

Tri motherhood ladies!!
We are here and together!
Washington, Nevada, Mississippi, we have come from far places to meet up in GORGEOUS Estes Park, Colorado for Triathlon and Coaches camp.
Though we have chatted numerous times via Skype, meeting these beautiful ladies in person has been incredible. Its as though we we've been friends for years and now just converging to blend our minds and special ways together. And what better way to do that then in the Rockies National Forest!! Its amazing here, and we also get to meet with our mentor Coach Jeff Kline.
We've seen Elk, deer, rabbits, squirrels. We've hiked along a gorgeous lake, ran on a trail around a herd of elk, and been hailed & rain on while doing track workouts.
This is heaven for any endurance athlete. Be sure to keep up with us on FACEBOOK and PINTEREST as we share the happenings and learnings of our triathlon week in the Rockies :)

A Few Things I’ve Learned Along the Way:

It all started sometime in 2005-2006 with a 9 mile run, in an old pair of New Balance, wearing an old college sweatshirt and carrying a yellow Sony Walkman.  My first real, outdoor run.  Up until then I had been running on the treadmill, working my way up from 5 minutes of running to well over an hour.  I don’t remember much about that first run, other than it was the most fun I’d had in a long time, and I couldn’t wait for more.  Many marathons and triathlons later, its 2012 and aside from proper shoes, gear, and form technique, there are few things I’ve learned along the way.

1)      Pay attention to imbalances.  Yes, there will be days when you are sore, or tired.  But if something is really nagging at you, continually over time, seek advice.  Its possible to train for months or even years with little nagging sore spots.  However, the likelihood that catching up to you someday is very real.  Notice your tendencies.  Do you get tight calves or a tight Achilles after speedwork, long runs, or races?  Ice, stretch, foam roll and strengthen now, consistently, to avoid it turning into something bigger, like plantar fasciitis.  Some knee pain here and there?  Roll you IT band and strengthen your quads now to avoid possible problems (such as torn meniscus or Runner’s Knee) later on.  Log everything.  Be diligent about proper form.  Work with your closely with your coach, who can assign specific stretching and strengthening exercises to get over any little aches and pains now and you will avoid heartache later on. 

2)       Training is not the time to “diet.”  Food is fuel, and proper nutrition is key to success.  If weight loss is a goal, talk to your coach, log your food intake and all your workouts.  As a result of training, you will likely gain muscle and lose fat…you are exercising and getting stronger every day.  Your body will become lean and strong as a result of proper training and nutrition.  Skipping meals, cutting back severely on calories, or relying on caffeine and/or quick sugar as an energy source is detrimental to your goals.  Your body is a fantastic machine.  Treat it with respect, fuel it properly, and you will see amazing results in both body and mind.

3)      You will gain muscle.  Healthy, strong bodies are a result of excellent nutrition and training.  Your body works hard to give you what you ask.  Enjoy the benefits and ignore the fads.  So what if your calves or quads don’t fit into skinny jeans?  Strong is beautiful.

4)      Strength train.  It doesn’t have to be every day, and it doesn’t have to be for hours on end.  Save the long endurance for biking, swimming, and running.  Your coach will assign appropriate exercises, and most sessions last under 60 minutes.  Strong muscles pay dividends on race day! 

5)      To women athletes:   5 minutes of proper Kegels daily.  Do it now, before its too late.  Muscles lost elasticity and strength if not used.   Your core routine should also focus on all the muscles of the abdominal region.  The Transversus  Abdominis (TA)  is often overlooked and can weaken with pregnancy.  Be sure to add TA exercises to your core routine.

6)      Log your workouts.  Your coach needs to know not just the numbers, but also how you are feeling on each particular day.  Add life events, etc.  Looking back on old logs can reveal patterns, which are both useful to you as an athlete and invaluable to your coach.

Be certain of yourself.   Share your passion of the sport with others.  Be Healthy, Train Smart, Have Fun.


Surviving the taper

Tapering is a necessary element of racing.  To get ready for a race you must base build for endurance, strength train, and speed train.  You must run, swim and bike various distances at varying heart rate efforts for specific  amounts of time.  What you also must do…taper.  The length of the taper, as well as the length of the recovery depends on the length of the race.  Let’s use the marathon as an example.  A typical marathon taper is 2 weeks out from race day.  All the training has been done.  During the taper, it is time to scale back, rest up/store energy, and mentally prepare for the race.  There will still be intensity, but the duration of your workouts will decrease.  The week before the race you might do a 3 mile run, with speed  intervals of only 90 seconds (whereas during peak training you were doing repeats as long as a mile, long negative split runs or runs holding faster than goal pace).  After weeks and months of building speed, strength and endurance you become accustomed to long workouts.  You see progress, you’re having fun.  Your confidence is building.  You are feeling strong and ready to meet your goal. As race day approaches, you go over your race plan with your coach, begin mental preparations and prepare your gear.

After all the hard training, it can be hard to scale back.  Mentally and physically.  Physically it is common to feel a little tired, sluggish, and hungry.  Little aches and pain crop up here and there.   Mentally it is time to be patient.  The race is close, but not that close.  You may start to wonder if you trained hard enough.  You may doubt if you are ready. You may start to feel antsy or impatient.  Resist the urge to add in extra workouts. The taper can be one of the hardest times for an athlete.  You have extra time, but what to do with that time?  Expending extra energy, especially in the few days leading up the race, isn’t generally a good idea.  That leaves a lot of time to think.  Now is not the time to let negative thoughts creep in.  You did the work and it is time to trust in your training, trust in the process. 

After 11 marathons, I’ve learned a thing or two about handling the taper.  I can feel very anxious, and the need to fight the negative thoughts is great.   I tend to feel  sluggish and tired during the taper.  Having gone through it many times, I have learned that this is normal for me and not to worry.  Some ideas on how to get through the taper:

1)      Go through your logs.  Look at all the work you have done!  Look at mileage, look at intensity.  Read the logs and not just the ones where you felt really great.  Challenging workouts are just as meaningful.  Whether it was a long run, interval run, or a long trainer bike ride, these workouts  made you stronger mentally and physically.

2)      Watch inspirational movies.  There are lots of great sports movies.  Some of my favorites include “Prefontaine,” “Spirit of the Marathon,” “Vision Quest” and “Rocky.”  Also look on YouTube for Ironman montages and finish line videos.  There are great YouTube montages of sports movie scenes set to music, as well as quotes and inspirational moments.

3)      Fine tune your nutrition and hydration.  Make a plan for recovery.  Recovery is a great time to make dietary changes.  Research dairy-free or gluten-free recipes. 

4)      Think about your next goal.  This doesn’t have to be set in stone, but kick around some ideas.  Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.  Some people like to have races set up, or ideas for next season.  Goals can include setting a new PR, making dietary changes, weight loss, strength gains, or trying a new sport (triathlon for runners) or distance (go longer or shorter next time). 

5)      Visualize you race.  Visualize yourself performing your best, feeling strong  and having fun.   Racing is always a powerful experience in which we learn and grow as athletes.  Write down your thoughts in a race report so you have it to look back on for motivation, achievement and as a learning tool. 

Be Healthy, Train Smart, Have Fun.
-Coach Rebecca

Not Just About the Wrinkles

With Summer here, and long swim/bike/runs on the schedule I wanted to talk about the sun. Wanted to talk about the importance of sunscreen. So this is what I brought up to Kristie & Rebecca, little did I know that they were both cancer survivors both having dealt with skin cancer. Once I found out I was shocked and awed. Along with being bloggers here for TRI.MOTHERHOOD, they are also my collegues in the coaching world and most of all fellow mothers.

I'm vain. Thats all I can think of when I think of wearing sunscreen. I dont want WRINKLES. I will tell you right now by the time I am 50, I am pretty sure I will probably have had what Cindy Crawford calls "preventive botox". Though I am still young, I can see the effects of the sun on my skin. I see the 6 different tan lines I have between my swimsuit, bike shorts, and tri-top. I look at those tanlines and think of hard work, think of the hours I have spent outside training.

You see I think of all these things, instead of thinking of how too much sun exposure can not just give me wrinkles but it CAN LEAD TO CANCER.

I've ran the Nike Womens 1/2 Marathon twice. The race course is COMPLETELY purple. TEAM IN TRAINING rule that race course. While running one cant not look at the back of the race singlets: SURVIVOR, IN MEMORY of, BATTLING. Though the Team runs for Luekemia & Lymphoma, I saw more skin cancer survivors than anything. Both times I ran that race I cried. Here I am worried about damn wrinkles....Since this blog came live about a week ago, I've thought of my skin differently. I am about the same age that both Kristie & Rebecca came aware that they both had cancer. I'm 26 years old, and now JUST waking up to the importance of sunscreen. Total wake-up call.

There are 2 things I would like to ask of you.
2.) Get checked, check yourself, be aware.

Both Rebecca and Kristie have posted great posts with tips. Check them out. CHECK YOURSELF OUT. Remember its not just wrinkles you are protecting yourself from.

The importance of paying attention.

Injury is very hard on athletes.  Before I started running, my response to an injured runner would have been something like, “I’m sorry to hear that.  Enjoy the time off while you get better.”  Now that I am a runner and triathlete my response would be something like “I am so sorry.  Injury is the worst!  I hope you can cross-train and maintain your fitness while you are healing.”  My response to injury was different early in my running career than it is now.  I used to completely lose my mind, fearing that I would never run again.  Now I know the elements of proper recovery – rest, ice, compression, elevation, ibuprofen, stretching/foam rolling, proper nutrition, physical therapy exercises, returning to activity at the proper time.  Done correctly, you can minimize recovery time.  If allowed, cross-train to maintain cardiovascular fitness and sanity levels.   Listen to your body and your coach.   

Injuries are tricky little suckers.  You can be doing everything right on paper….proper form, following your training plan, enough sleep, good nutrition.  I was doing a great job at all this, or so I thought, when I came down with what I refer to as a snakebite on my heel.  It’s likely a combination of the onset of plantar fasciitis, some bruising (I whacked it pretty hard on a big rock one day swimming in the lake…my first thought was oh, no, this is not good), and subconsciously guarding my knee which had been  (but  currently is not) bothering me.   The thing that bothers me most is the possibility of plantar fasciitis.  I work hard to maintain really good form, and right now I’m putting in less running mileage than usual.  During marathon training, my mileage is much higher.   I transitioned from spring marathon to summer triathlon focus, and my running has never been better.  What on earth could have caused this? 

The more I thought about it, the answer was pretty clear.  This is hard to admit.  I wasn’t paying attention.  Life had become unbalanced.  Like most athletes, I put family first, then training.   I pride myself on balancing the two.  How could I have let the scales tip?  It wasn’t any one event, but rather a combination of little things.  At the end of the school year, I was volunteering a lot, spending a lot of time on my feet.  Any runner can tell you that a sure way to foot fatigue is standing around for hours with little movement.   What I did wrong: a long bike ride, followed by a quick shower, coffee, and off to help some family move.  What I should have done:  ice bath after the ride, proper nutrition and hydration, shower, foam rolling, then go help.  What I did wrong:  long tempo run, shower, coffee, pick up kids, off to not one but two consecutive end-of-school-year parties, where I was standing a lot.  What I should have done:  long tempo run, ice bath, nutrition and hydration, shower, foam roll, then party time, but sit down when I had the chance.  What I did wrong:  blowing off my PT exercises, telling myself “I’ll get to it later today.”  What I should have done:  Set aside time every morning for PT, no excuses.  I stopped paying attention to the details and a little of the magic was lost. 

I’m not blaming a busy life for injury.  Rather, losing focus can lead to poor training decisions.  There is a lesson to be learned here.  Running is full of lessons.  In the past, I sometimes wouldn’t listen.  I know better now.  I will be at the starting line healthy.  I refuse to make the same mistakes.  It will mean saying “no” to late nights during the taper, scheduling recovery time (ice bath, foam rolling) into the training day, and focusing on proper nutrition instead of relying on caffeine and energy bars.  Making and posting  a list of priorities has helped turn things around.  We all slip a little here and there.  The important thing is to pay attention and make changes when necessary.  The scales will stay balanced!

Be Healthy, Train Smart, Have Fun.

Had it. Fought it. Beat it.

When you get up in the morning, you get dressed, right? Shirt, pants, shoes?  You wouldn’t leave the house naked, would you? But sadly many do. Many leave the house without sunscreen. Sunscreen should be an essential part of your wardrobe.

I am a multiple melanoma (skin cancer) survivor. You never think you will ever hear the words “You have cancer” once in your life, let alone time, after time, after time, like I have. My first and most advanced was discovered during a routine annual exam. It was in the center of my back. I had no way to knowing it was there. Undetected, it would have killed me, I was only 27. I had an area the size of a small nerf football removed from my back because of a mole the size of a pencil eraser. Melanoma  is the most deadly form of skin cancer. 

Here are some statistics:

·        In 2012 more than 116,000 people will be diagnosed with the disease

·        By 2012, it is estimated that one in 50 people will be diagnosed with melanoma

·        One person dies nearly EVERY HOUR from melanoma

·        Melanoma affects people of every age and every race

·        The incidence rate for children 18 and under INCREASED by 84% from 1975 to 2005

Many cases of skin cancer can be prevented and detected early.  Here are the ABCDEs of melanoma:

Asymmetry:  One half of the mole does not match the other half

Border:  The borders of the mole are irregular, ragged, blurred, or a notch

Color:  The color of the mole is not the same throughout. There may be brown, black, red, blue, or white.

Diameter:  The mole is larger than 6 millimeters (roughly ¼”, roughly the size of a pencil eraser)

Evolution:  The mole has been growing or changed its shape and color.

Protect yourself anytime when outdoors, rain or shine. Don’t just avoid peak sun exposure hours between 10am and 4pm. Water, Sand and Snow reflect the sun’s rays. Wear sunscreen with an SPF factor of 30 or higher, remember to reapply. My favorite is Raw Elements USA. The Eco Stick can be easily applied under water and over sweat. Smaller than an energy gel, it’s easy to carry.  Look for sun protective clothing like Coolibar. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from ocular melanoma. AVOID TANNING BEDS.  Apply sunscreen before placing your hands under the UV rays at the nail salon (bet you NEVER thought about that). Visit a trained dermatologist annually for a complete, head-to-toe exam.

I used to be bitter and angry with Melanoma. I was angry that it was determined to kill me. Then I realized. It saved me. I took back my health. Over time I started eating right, running, and having routine exams and screenings. I credit Melanoma for saving my life. Without it, I would not have detected my breast and cervical cancers in the early stages. I am living breathing proof that early detection is the key to survival.

As athletes we train and compete outdoors. We take precautions to train smart and eat right to prevent illness and injury. Please, don’t forget your skin.


Coach Kristie

Statistics, and ABCDE’s obtained via  www.OutruntheSun.org

Your Morning Oatmeal #6: Mental Toughness

There is no bad source of motivation - Matt Fitzgerald
I'd like to thank my husband and his scrapbooking skills for this post. My husband cuts out TONS of articles from his favorite magazines. He then places them in there pretty little plastic covers and catagorizes them. This morning as I was digging through his special binders when I found this article by Matt Fitzgerald. Matt talks about how our MIND is what gives up first, not our body giving out, and that we can train our mind to become tougher. I saw this photo and thought of the evil monkey that sits on my shoulder that constantly tells me to give up, and though he is EVIL it is also a sense of motivation. That evil monkey pisses me off, and makes me KEEP going.
So whatever your NEGATIVE thoughts are, whether they be an evil monkey or devil on your shoulder, DROP KICK THEIR ASS! Use that to fuel you to KEEP going.
What doesnt kill you makes you stronger right?

It was about the size of a pencil eraser, and about the same color pink... 
At first I thought it was a little blemish.  I always thought pimples were for teenagers…unfortunately that is completely untrue.  At 29 I was still getting them occasionally, and I assumed this was one.  It was right on my upper cheek, beneath my eye but close enough to my nose to be considered in the t-zone.  Tried to treat it, but it wouldn’t heal.  Hmmm.  I was probably messing with it too much. 
 Weeks went by.  I tried to leave it alone, but that dang thing just wouldn’t go away.  Before my beloved Grandma passed away last year, we used to talk weekly on the phone.  I happened to mention the little blemish to her and she immediately said something which I still consider some of the best advice I have ever received…”if you have anything on your body that won’t heal, get it checked out right away.” 
I was about to turn 30, and hadn’t had a physical since it was required for high school sports (oh yeah, badminton state champs, 1992!).  I also hadn’t been to the doctor for anything since my kids were born.  I was busy.  I was young.  I was healthy.  But something about turning 30 was nagging at me…I really should make an appointment.  Make sure everything is okay, be responsible and such.  But in the back of my mind I still had a teenage feeling of being indestructible.  Nothing could possibly be wrong, so with a certain amount of naivete, and to please my Grandma, I made an appointment with my GP. 
 Everything was fine…a bit of high cholesterol, but the ratios were good so no problem there.  A little low on iron, too, but nothing a good iron pill couldn’t fix.  The next appointment was for the dermatologist.  Went in, armed with my family history of ailments and personal history of laying outside under the summer sun at 15, with nothing but baby oil on my skin and a spray bottle of water to keep me cool.  My friends at I used to lay out and try to get sunburned.  Both so it would fade into a nice tan, and to keep our skin clear (how little did we know then???).  The dermatologist was interested in the little blemish and did a biopsy.  Don’t worry, he assured me.  Just wait for the results and we will go from there.  
 5 days later (the clock ticks slowly when you are waiting for any kind of test result) the results came back.  Basal cell carcinoma.  What????  Skin cancer?  Are you kidding me?  I was 29!  The dermatologist assured me that this wasn’t going to take one moment off my long life.  That if you are going to get skin cancer, this is the kind to get.  Treatable, slow-growing.
   I was referred to a surgeon and a week later I was in his clinic, getting prepped by a very nice nurse, who kindly responded to each of my chatty, nervous questions.  My face was numbed up pretty good.  I wasn’t going to feel a thing.  The surgeon came in (I noticed he had the whitest skin imaginable...I guess that’s how dermatologists roll).  The procedure was simple.  Cut a big chunk out, look at the margins.   If they are clear, we’re done.  If not, cut some more.  Luckily, it only took one time to get clear margins.  He took a picture with a digital camera and showed me my face, just to give me an idea of how much flesh was missing.  Whoa.  I am not squeamish but it made me very queasy, looking at what amounted in my mind as a gaping hole in my cheek.  He sewed me up and sent me on my way.  I had a big bandage and sort of a black eye for the next few days.  Many weeks after it healed, I went back for some cortisone injections which smoothed out the scar.  Today, I can’t even tell where it was.

What did I learn from that? 
1) None of us are indestructible.   Know your family history.  Check your skin monthly.  If you notice anything new, or a mole seems to be changing shape, get it checked out.  If something gets your spidey-sense tingling, listen!  Get anything suspicious checked out.
  2) Wear your sunscreen.  Reapply as necessary.  Even in the winter.  I’ve gotten red on a sunny day in February.  Sunscreen is relatively cheap, sweatproof, and plentiful.  No excuses.  Wear it everywhere, and don’t forget the top of your head. 
 3) Get a mirror, or have your spouse/partner help you check your skin monthly.  Get to know your skin.  See your dermatologist if anything is changing shape, looks funny, doesn’t heal, or if you have any questions.  Better to be safe! 
 4) Sunscreen on the kids, and check them, too.  Our job as parents is to learn from our mistakes so our children don’t make the same ones.

- Rebecca
Be Healthy, Train Smart, Have Fun.

Your Morning Oatmeal #5: Where the magic happens

Sometimes  Many times, and MOST of the time it we NEED to step out of our comfort zone to progess. How can you go further and push the body to achieve great things if you cant step out of you comfort zone?
Challenge yourself today. Throw in a couple race pace minutes into your run, add some hill sprints into your bike, sprint a couple of laps in the pool. We need to apply the stress so the body adapts, and leaves you wanting more.

Running: Form & Staying Injury Free

With great power comes great responsibility. Not much in life can make an athlete feel as powerful as a solid, strong run. I believe running is a gift. Steve Prefontaine said it best. “To give less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.” It doesn’t matter how long you run, how fast, how often. If you have a passion for running, you have the gift. For most runners, the fear of losing this gift can be great. Its more than just the endorphins. A relationship with running in many ways is like a relationship with another person. There are highs, lows, great joy, and strong feelings. Once running becomes part of your life, it makes a permanent impact, and you will never want to let go. Running is there for you for as training, competition, racing. Running is also there, like a good friend, when you need a mood lift, or to unwind. Running adds so much joy to life! You have been given this gift, and there is potential for great power and strength. Now comes the responsibility. Runners want to enjoy lifelong careers. It doesn’t matter if it takes the form of racing and competition, or enjoying the feeling of getting out for a good run. Remaining injury free is important in order to enjoy a healthy life full of training and running.

Proper form is key to staying injury free. There is a lot of information out there regarding form for both new and seasoned runners. The conventional wisdom used to be for new runners: go the local running store, have someone watch you run around, pick a comfortable pair of shoes, and you’re set. I would like to see a new conventional wisdom….something I have learned from both personal experience, research, and talking with other coaches. The new conventional wisdom: first to learn to run
Much has been said recently about the importance of a midfoot/forefoot strike. I think most of us can agree that a running form closer to what our body does naturally (barefoot) is the healthiest way to run. Most of us didn’t grow up barefoot, however, so we need some foot protection. Finding the right shoe can be very complicated!

As a new runner, what to choose? Who do you trust? What is good form, anyway? A veteran runner looking to avoid injuries might ask themselves how to make the switch without a training loss. A runner currently in a heavy stability shoe with a heel strike pattern will likely take more time to transition than a runner in a lighter shoe who already has running form that is closer to ideal. The runner who needs more time to transition doesn’t want to cut back severely on weekly mileage. Taking the time to transition properly is worth it. 

The off-season is a great time to work on form. Use cross-training to your advantage. Stay in cardiovascular shape, and as a bonus become a stronger swimmer and cyclist. Make a running form video for your coach. There are many drills runners can do to improve form. Give your body time to adjust. Your coach can plan for adding mileage accordingly. Work with a knowledgeable running store, as well as your coach to find the right shoe for you. It is important to also wear good shoes when you are not running. Avoid heels, tight shoes, and flip-flops whenever possible. A good, lightweight “barefoot” model shoe will help strengthen your feet over time. If you are a new runner, now is a great time to learn to run with excellent form! Talk with your coach about the right shoe. Again, a knowledgeable running store is a great resource as well. Do the drills your coach suggests. Take the time to build up mileage at a slow and steady rate. Proper running form puts less stress on the body, and allows for much more overall efficiency. Taking the time to learn to run is time well invested. Give your best to your gift!

Be Healthy, Train Smart, Have Fun.

Your Morning Oatmeal # 3: Just 3 Little Words

Sometimes all it takes is three little words, and they aren't "I love you".

Your Morning Oatmeal #2: Log Off & Shutdown

If there is one thing I can promise you, it is that Facebook/Pinterest/Twitter will be waiting for you when you get back today. So get up, get out, and get moving.
* Unless a Zombie Apocalypse happens, then things are out of my hands.*
- Christina

Your Morning Oatmeal #1

Hot. Humid. Summertime.
Ah, the joys of Summer. The season we wait all year for. Summer vacations, summer dresses, summer nights, but no one remembers the summer runs.
Runs that when you get home you can wring out your shirt. Summer runs that leave you covered in bugs. Summer that leaves 14 different tan lines.
How about enlightenment? 
How ever you look at summer, its your choice.

My Motherhood

After a long day, seeing these goofy kids makes me happy:)
My bubba :)
Its Sunday evening. 
Im in a bed watching Despicable Me, with both kids, both their blankies, while mentally I dream of peeling both children off of me to get up and stretch out my legs.
This is my motherhood. There are times that I try to be Happy Homemaker, but things are chaotic, and thats what I like. 
I sew, knit, cook, read bedtime stories, wash clothes, clean sippy cups, haul kids to school, I read Better Homes & Gardens, but while doing all that I RUN, I BIKE, I SWIM, I LIFT, I COACH.
I think I might trump the Happy Homemaker I dream of encompassing at times.